Middle School Resources » Middle School Resources

Middle School Resources

The move from Elementary to Middle School is big. In so many ways. Academically. Socially. Physiologically. Emotionally. It seems to be the hardest time for students, so it follows that it is usually the hardest season for parents as well.
As a HOPE family, we thrive when administration, faculty, and parents support one another to create a strong team to support the students. So that they thrive. We all just have to work harder to be successful in doing this with our 6th - 8th graders.
There is SO MUCH information and advice out there on how to handle these struggles.  Below we've gathered some of the most useful information we've found.  It's helpful to know that (a) your family isn't alone in the struggles; (b) there are resources out there to help, and (c) we have the power of the Holy Spirit on our side.  
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